£249.00 GBP

12 monthly payments

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

Sensory Support Bronze Monthly

One system to take you easily and simply step-by-step through your journey to Sensory Health

What you'll get:

  • Weekly coaching calls.
  • Access to all courses
  • Private community 24/7 group
  • Weekly emails to keep you on track and motivated
  • 1 private Mastery Sensory Thumbprint session near the end of the System with a covering letter from an approved OT, if required. (Not included for sponsorships)
  • Sensory Super certification for completion and application of the SSSystem to one person or more.
  • Stay for as long or as short as is helpful, and cancel when you are ready to move on fully equipped and confident.
  • If you live in Jersey - access to online booking for the Santé Sensory Centre.


Plus you are fully protected without no-risk 100% money-back guarantee. If after completing the full System following all the steps, attending regular coaching calls, implementing the actions and don't see any change - we'll give you 100% of your money back!