The New Start Special is now closed but please do explore more with us!

Click the "join us" page above to start your journey into living in the best sensory health! 


Find out more below! 


This 10 minute video explains more about the System once you've joined up:



Book a 15 minute zoom call to talk it all through.

Book an enquiry chat

Here's how the Sensory Super System changes lives.

Months 1 - 2:

You are taken from a place of uncertainty, frustration, or exhaustion, to a place of understanding and knowing WHY the behaviours are as they are - having done a full sensory thumbprint assessment together.

Months 2 - 3:

You grow in confidence with managing those sensory issues following specific treatment and management techniques.

Months 3 - 4:

You start absorbing and developing sensory healthy activities into the flow of your everyday life. 

Months 4 - 5:

You learn how to adapt your home, school, or organisation to keep emotional regulation at it's best level and improve coordination to succeed and enjoy life.

Months 5 - 6:

Having good grounding in all things sensory you're then able to judge if any behaviour is due to a sensory issue, trauma, communication or any other reason and meet that need accordingly.

Months 6 - 7:

You grow in your skill of looking at everyday life and seeing the benefits or drawbacks of every experience the day holds and respond well to them to keep everyone happy and functioning to the best of their ability.

Months 7 - 12+:

You cement your growing capabilities in meeting sensory needs and relax into a sensory healthy lifestyle, tweaking and continuing to learn as you go and have the opportunity to move through the Bonus courses of Stress-Free Mealtimes or Handwriting with Ease.