Discover your unique Sensory Thumbprint

Your senses influence every second of your day. Thrive in your sensory health with our Sensory Super System®


Become a Sensory Super

We help individuals, parents, grandparents, caregivers, and those with special needs to uncover their unique sensory thumbprint, essential for thriving in sensory health. We transform lives by making people feel better in themselves and able to do more for themselves.

What is Sensory Processing?

It's how you process and respond to sensory information from your environment and from inside your body. We develop our senses before anything else, even before birth, making it fundamental to who we are.

Sensory processing issues affect how we process and respond to sensory information from our environment and bodies. It might make us have extreme reactions to everyday stimuli like sounds, textures, or movements.

How Do Sensory Processing Issues Affect Us?

Sensory processing issues impact our daily lives. They affect how we behave, feel, move, and connect with others.

For parents, it can disrupt routines, increase stress, and strain relationships. Grandparents may struggle to understand and bond with their grandchild. Caregivers might face added responsibilities and strain.

People who have sensory issues might find it tough to deal with too much noise or light. Controlling their feelings and keeping up with friends might be hard too. This can be frustrating and isolating.

What Can Sensory Processing Issues Look Like?

Understanding these areas will help you address their associated struggles.

  • Clothing Preferences: Some individuals may really dislike certain clothes because of scratchy tags, rough seams, or textures that feel uncomfortable. They might only want to wear specific types of clothes or refuse to wear certain items, especially socks.
  • Picky Eating: Some individuals might not like certain foods because of how they smell, feel, or taste. This might mean they only eat a few foods they really like.
  • Bright Lights: Individuals might squint, cover their eyes, or avoid bright lights. They might prefer places with softer light or wear sunglasses indoors.
  • Balance and Coordination: Some individuals might have trouble keeping their balance, moving smoothly, or knowing where things are around them. This could make them trip or bump into things a lot.
  • Planning and Organising: Some individuals might have a hard time coming up with ideas or organising things. Even simple tasks might seem really difficult for them.
  • Noise Sensitivity: Loud or sudden noises might bother some individuals a lot. They might cover their ears, get really scared, or try to get away from the noise.
  • Textures: Some individuals might not like touching certain things or wearing certain fabrics. They might not want to play with messy stuff or get upset if their hands or feet get dirty.
  • Sensory Meltdowns: Sometimes, a meltdown could look like getting really upset because their senses feel overwhelmed. They might cry a lot, scream, or find it hard to calm down.
  • Crowded Places: Busy places like malls or parties might be too much for some individuals. They might feel nervous, grumpy, or like there's too much going on.
  • Transitions: Some individuals might find it tough to switch from one thing to another. They might get upset, refuse to move, or seem confused during these changes.
  • Seeking Sensory Input: Some individuals might always be moving or touching things. They might struggle to stay still or play quietly.

Be equipped and supported through the Sensory Super System®

Anne Laure Jackson is an Occupational Therapist and sensory expert with over 30 years experience. Her Sensory Super System® is transforming the lives parents, grandparents, carers and supporting individuals as they discover their own unique Sensory Thumbprint®.

Join us on this journey to create calmer, happier, thriving communities where sensory diversity is honoured and benefits all.

For ADHD, Autism, Sensory Processing Difficulties, Dyspraxia and everyone who has more potential to reach.

 Learn how to assess and work with sensory needs - one step at a time.


Book a Call

1:1 Support

1:1 customised support.

Group Coaching Support

Weekly group coaching.

Guided Video Training

4 hours of guided video content to accompany your Sensory Super System Guidebook.

On Demand Video

Over 100 hours of 'how to' on demand videos.

"I have really enjoyed the support calls - I would recommend them to anyone. We've had a bumpy ride with our daughter and just having someone to talk to and get thoughts from has been supportive. It's been really good."


"We were going on a walk, he voluntarily started skipping properly which is something he couldn't do at all. It was amazing."


"My 9-year-old son has been lovely. He understands his needs better. I've been surprised by the amount of proprioceptive input he needs. I guess I hadn't appreciated before the amount he was needing. So it's a relief to him that he's got more of a language to talk to me about and ask for what he needs. That's encouraging. "


What Will You Cover in the Sensory Super System?

Understanding Sensory Issues

Learn what sensory issues are, how to identify them and describe how they affect learning, behaviour, attention, self-control, emotional regulation, coordination, handwriting, eating, and relationships.

Managing Sensory Issues

Learn what to do with a sensory need once you see it. Learn ways to change behaviour, manage situations, increase focus and attention.

Everyday Life Skills

Apply knowledge to everyday life - better handwriting, better in sports, better social interactions, better organisational skills etc and how to adapt and create sensory healthy environments to support that.

Is it Sensory, Behaviour or a Character Issue?

Untangle the thorny spiral of unacceptable, challenging, or even just odd behaviour by using a system to work through which conduct has a sensory base, a behaviour base or character issue behind it. Then make informed choices to meet that need.

Sensory Diets and Self-Regulation

Learn the ins and outs of a super sensory healthy diet - all timetabled, to increase learning, stop meltdowns, outbursts, stubborn behaviours. Increase coordination, focus, and stay calm and regulated. 

Motor Control and Coaching Videos

Video section and articles to guide you - "how to", tips and strategies to help coordination, transitions, timetabling, trips, choosing sensory equipment, best practices, and much more!

The Sensory Super System® Guidebook

A full guidebook to help you through the program. Discover and understand your unique Sensory Thumbprint®.

This is for you if...

You are committed to finding 15 minutes a week to work on the System materials.

You want to know what to do, when to do it, why you are doing it and how!

This isn't for you if...

You won't be able to make the time to work on the training, support and advice. 

You expect it will solve all difficulties and problems.


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