Focus on the Good: An Offer of Hope for Managing Sensory Processing Issues

christian sensory

You might have read on my homepage, “Everybody’s sensory thumbprint is unique”. This is something I absolutely believe in!

Every child is different.

I do not believe in a cookie-cutter solution. What I do believe in is God’s spiritual gifts that have lead me throughout the years to help others experience the peace that passes understanding. This is through an abundance of knowledge in raising children and working with those with ASD, ADHD, Dyspraxia, Developmental coordination disorder (DCD), MS, and many other people with no specific diagnosis at all.

Jesus Christ brought us newness of life in the Holy Spirit and baptism; God wants us to experience the fullness and joy in this life. Even in the hardest times, we are called to count it all as joy and seek His goodness and light.

Having a Christian approach to identifying and regulating sensory processing disorders opens a new door: hope.

 “We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.” –Romans 6:4

While in some cases there will be lifelong obstacles, I am here to help you gain more confidence and equip you with the understanding and skills to help your loved one with sensory processing issues love the best life possible along the way. Book a Discovery call with me today to learn more about sensory processing support and courses.

Focus on the good that comes with a life in Jesus Christ! x


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