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Toilet Learning Struggles in Older Kids Who Are Avoidant

Toilet learning can be a challenging journey, especially for older children who exhibit avoidant behaviours. This blog explores strategies and insights to support parents and caregivers in navigating toilet learning with patience and understanding.


Understanding Avoidant Behaviours


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Understanding Sensory Processing in Children: A Guide for Parents

Hello, I’m Anne Laure Jackson, an experienced sensory processing and integration specialist. Through my service, Sensory Super Support, I aim to promote health and wellbeing for everyone, celebrating our neurodiversity. This blog post is crafted to help parents understand and navigate the...

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Sensory Development: Vital in Early Childhood

In the tapestry of childhood development, each thread is pivotal. Among these, sensory experiences are some of the most crucial yet often overlooked strands. These early interactions with the world lay the foundation for how children perceive their surroundings, connect with others, and learn...

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Sensory-Healthy Environments Designing Spaces for Over-reactive Senses

In a world that's often filled with sensory stimuli, from the glaring lights of a supermarket to the incessant chatter in a café, navigating spaces can be a challenge for individuals with over-reactive sensory processing issues. Whether it's part of conditions like Autism, Sensory...

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Decoding Sensory Signals A Mum's Guide to a Balanced Life

In the heart of the UK, amidst the brisk morning school runs, the aromatic allure of a fresh cuppa, and the comforting cadence of British banter, lies a unique challenge many mums face: understanding their child’s sensory world.

Unravelling the Sensory Thumbprint


Children, much like...

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What To Do If You Suspect Your Child Has Sensory Processing Disorder

Have you ever had this familiar scenario occur?

Your child behaves inappropriately in public or at school, and you're told by the teacher that your child is disruptive in class, a distraction to others or whose behaviour is becoming uncontrollable; that they have ‘sensory issues’ and...

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Saying ‘Sorry’

‘Sorry’ is probably one of the first words we teach our toddlers…but have we ever really stopped to consider what this word means, both to us and our children?  Is it helpful? What are they learning about relationships from this word? Is ‘sorry’ a helpful...

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What’s that smell? Using the olfactory sense in parenting children.

“Mum, why do you smell of Mark and Jenny?” demanded my 7-year-old as I stood, bleary eyed, just awake, outside his bedroom at 6.30am.  

“Eh? What?” 

“You smell of them Mum…why?”

I had sat and chatted with our friends the previous evening...

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Last week I was trying to help my 9-year-old son set up his xbox for a new game. He was frustrated, and wouldn’t accept my help – but neither could he fix the issue himself. That lunchtime I told him and his brother a story. It went like this: ‘Once upon a time the RNLI lifeboat...

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One Parent’s Experience of Stress-Free Mealtimes

A scream of rage brings me running into the dining room.  Our youngest son has his cereal bowl on his head and his plate up in front of him like a shield, dinner knife in hand. Our oldest has his glass raised above his head, ready to throw. Both their faces are contorted with rage and...

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Distraction and Lack of Focus

Distraction and Lack of Focus

There are many reasons why children are easily distracted. When children do not get enough sleep, they can be easily distracted. Also, when children are experiencing stress and anxiety, this can be a factor that affects their ability to focus, and thus they become...

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Raising a Confident Child

Raising a Confident Child

To raise a confident child is to build their self-esteem – who they are in Christ. How do you build a child’s self-esteem? Model what you want to see, encourage and empower through the words you speak onto them, and your actions. Our children watch us daily....

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