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Navigating Adult Sensory Integration Challenges: Strategies and Tip

Adults with sensory integration challenges face unique difficulties in their daily lives. These challenges can affect work, social interactions, and overall wellbeing. This blog post aims to provide adults facing these issues with effective strategies and tips to navigate their sensory world more...

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Why Sensory Health Matters

Ever feel like your senses are on overdrive, like you can hear the faintest sounds or feel the lightest touch more than others? Or perhaps it's the opposite - you find it hard to pick up on certain sensory cues that seem obvious to everyone else. You're not alone. Sensory health is a real,...

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Sensory Processing Issues Not Just a Kid Thing!

When we hear about Sensory Processing Issues (SPD), we often think of children. But adults struggle just as much don’t they - don’t you? Yes, it's true! Many of us navigate our daily routines by managing these unique sensory challenges. Let's talk about what that looks like and how it...

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Understanding and Managing Sensory Processing Issues in Adults

I'm here to share my insights based on my experience as a practicing occupational therapist for over 30 years. Our focus for today is sensory processing issues in adults.


Unraveling Sensory Processing Issues:

Sensory processing issues aren't just for children! Adults experience them too....

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Self-Care Chronicles: Menstruation for Girls with Sensory Issues

Self-Care Chronicles: Menstruation for Girls with Sensory Issues

In this article: Begin to realise the world of menstruating with sensory issues and how to help your loved one cope with the body’s monthly routine. We will discuss tips for easing symptoms as well as promoting good personal...

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Self-Care Chronicles: Nutrition and Eating for Sensory Issues

Self-Care Chronicles: Nutrition and Eating for Sensory Issues

In this article: We explore foods known to reduce sensory meltdowns and why they work, as well as helpful strategies to promote independent feeding and healthy eating habits among children, teens, and adults with sensory processing...

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Self-Care Chronicles – Toileting

Self-Care Chronicles: Potty Training and Toileting

Perhaps you knew that potty-training was going to be an issue.

For any parent is can be discouraging to watch those Pinterest-perfect mothers successfully train their children to potty on their own in such a short amount of time.

It can feel...

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Self-Care Chronicles – Getting Dressed

Self-Care Chronicles: Getting Dressed

No matter the age, getting dressed for a child can be a hassle. Oftentimes children, in general, are particular or afraid of the routine. Then add sensory processing issues and getting dressed together: now we have a bigger problem that can last into...

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Self-Care Chronicles – Brushing teeth

Self-Care Chronicles: Brushing Teeth

Welcome to another entry into the Self-Care Chronicles. Today we will talk about brushing teeth and oral hygiene for people with sensory processing issues. Making sure to care for even these small areas can improve many other aspects of your loved ones life.


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Self-Care Chronicles – Bathing

Self-Care Chronicles: Bathing

Bath-time is one of those things that can look lovely in pictures. Seeing a child enjoying a rubber ducky covered in bubbles or running around in an animal shaped towel just after getting clean—these are the things that sell the best soap. Reality, however, is...

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