God's Unique Design: Honouring Sensory Differences

christian sensory
bible worship christian religious

Our sensory experiences shape our engagements with our surroundings and, by extension, our relationships with others and God. These distinctive ways of interacting with the world, especially in individuals with sensory processing challenges, showcase God's intricate design. Understanding and embracing these unique sensory differences leads us not only towards deeper compassion and sensory health but living life abundantly.


 Beyond 'Normal': A Divine Embrace


Society often adheres to the notion of 'normal,' unintentionally overlooking the fact that variations are woven into our very creation. These differences, particularly in sensory experiences, as Psalm 139:14 reminds us, every nuance within us is precious. As with all aspects of Creation, we balance this with knowing that the Fall affected every aspect of it and His call is for us to pray for His Kingdom to come on earth as it it is heaven - with joy, health, healing, goodness.



Sensory Experiences: Understanding God's Palette


For some, the world is a cascade of sensations, with heightened sounds, sights, and textures. For others, it's a place where sensory stimuli come as a whisper rather than a shout. These experiences, especially prevalent in conditions like Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) or autism, are integral shades of the human experience.


Recognising this sensory diversity within our communities and faith practices allows us to honour each individual's unique reflection of God's image. It fosters a culture of inclusivity and understanding, as in 1 Corinthians 12:12-27, where every individual, irrespective of their sensory experiences, is a valued part of one body.


Nurturing Faith and Sensory Health: Join Hands with Expertise


Embracing sensory differences and providing a supportive environment requires empathy, knowledge, and often, expert guidance. Recognising this, I bring three decades of occupational therapy experience to serve families, churches and individuals navigating these sensory journeys.


  1. Christian Sensory Support: This service is for those who seek a path that intertwines sensory coaching with Christian faith. It's not just about treating and managing sensory challenges; it's about integrating faith into the healing and coping process, allowing for a holistic approach to sensory health.


  1. Sensory Support: Tailored for those who prefer a coaching system without a spiritual emphasis, this program meets you where you are. It provides strategies and support for sensory challenges, ensuring individuals and families receive the guidance they need in a context that resonates with them.


Both Sensory Super Systems are crafted with the same level of expertise, compassion, and commitment, ensuring your sensory health journey aligns with your personal and spiritual preferences. 

I invite you to learn more about the Support offered. For a more personal connection, schedule a 15-minute discovery call with me. Together, we can navigate this journey toward sensory health.



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