Raging Peace: 10 Reasons Children are Like the Sea

christian sensory

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” –John 16:33

Working with children with ASD and sensory processing disorders, I have seen so much hope and joy throughout the years in seeing progress, but I’ve also seen the troubles. The troubles are why I’m here. It is my joy and calling to help others manage special needs and sensory processing issues, and I am thrilled to offer online courses that are tailored to your child’s individual needs through the coaching.  

Like with anything in life, there will also be ups and downs. Jesus wants us to remember that He has already done the hardest part for us. He died and rose again so that we might be free from sin. But in our earthly life there is still work to be done! Let’s take a moment to reflect on the joy of children in this fun list. I think anyone with children can relate!

  1. Sometimes the waves come crashing down.

It can feel like you are about to go down in the chaos!

  1. Sometimes, all is still and calm.

Then you know another wave is about to come.

  1. The depths can be dark and murky…

Just like whatever this is stuck in the carpet.

  1. The sea is full of beautiful colours

Just like the bright, shining smiles on a child’s face!

  1. It is full of things that are big and intimidating
  2. But it is also full of wonder and beauty.
  3. There are many areas that have yet to be explored

Leaving such a mystery.

  1. Sea creatures come in all shapes and sizes.
  2. Some sea creatures are playful and fun.
  3. Some sea creatures are shy and hide.

Did you find your child in this list? Thank you so much for stopping by the blog today. I hope this has been an encouragement to you! There is more information about how we can help your child here.

See you soon!


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