The Art of Forgiveness: Taking One Moment at a Time

christian sensory
upset little ethic boy looking at faceless father during argument

Mental health is such an important part of parenting. In the hustle and bustle of caring for children, it can be so easy to put aside our own needs as we meet theirs.

What’s more, is that is can seem to be a personal conflict leaving us wondering—why me?

The fog of questions loom in:

What am I doing wrong?

Why does my own child reject me?

Did I do something to deserve this?

I’m convinced you are doing everything in your power to give your child the best life possible. It is not easy raising any child, but the weight a parenting a child with sensory processing issue or other special needs can be tenfold.  Don’t let these questions that lead to worry and resentment take over!

Ephesians 4: 31-32 says,

“Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”

It is completely valid and understandable to feel overwhelmed and at a dead end sometimes. What the Apostle Paul is saying here is to just let it go.

Here are some tips to help you de-stress and find a healthier mental state:

  • Stay Hydrated
  • Choose Health Eating Habits
  • Take a Break
  • Pray and Meditate
  • Keep a Journal

Keeping up with strategies to take care of yourself will improve your overall outlook on life. You will also be more prepared to respond to your child using more effective methods.

We often think of forgiveness as something we do when someone has wronged us, but sometimes we need to forgive ourselves for falling short, and forgive our children when they hurt our souls—even though they probably have no idea. Using these and other methods will make this process much less painful.

Whether you are looking for information to better help your child by implementing sensory processing strategies or you would like to know what to do for adults, I am here to help. Let’s get started on your journey to a calmer life.


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