Self-Care Chronicles – Toileting

Self-Care Chronicles: Potty Training and Toileting
Perhaps you knew that potty-training was going to be an issue.
For any parent is can be discouraging to watch those Pinterest-perfect mothers successfully train their children to potty on their own in such a short amount of time.
It can feel disheartening to be in a busy market, reaching for the largest size of training pants in the diaper aisle, knowing judging eyes are upon you. But you know what your child needs, and you will do what it takes to get it done.
That’s why we are here in the next edition of the Self-Care Chronicles where we evaluate the trials of sensory processing and toileting.
The very atmosphere of the bathroom is one full of over-stimulating, monstrous noises—at least this is true for a child with a sensitive auditory sense.
The flush of the toilet and the rush of water from the sink can hurt their ears.
That’s not to mention the tactile involvement in going to this strange room.
The cold toilet lid, the smoothness and lack of interesting texture, the air could be too hot or too cold.
Let’s be realistic: any combination of these things could be creating a problem.
As we evaluate some tips for toileting, remember that God created you and your loved one with purpose and care. He knows what you need, and is ready to guide you in Spirit as we pursue this endeavour:
“For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.” –Psalm 139:13-14
- If your child is showing signs of readiness for trying the toilet, but is sensitive to the sound of flushing, you might consider Ear Defenders. Ear muffs such as these are designed to keep out loud sounds.
- Engage the senses with aromatherapy beforehand and dimly lit lights. By making the environment more peaceful and welcoming to their particular sensory preferences, they are more likely to “give it a go”.
- Give them a choice: offer to let them do the flushing. Sometimes owning the control over the noise helps them overcome the fear of the loudness or the bear the discomfort of the sound. Additionally, you could allow them the choice to leave the room before you flush.
- If you are out in public, keep post-it notes in your bag to place over the sensor to prevent automatic flushing. This will give you more time to allow your child to step away from the sound before it happens.
- The sensation of needing to pee or poo can be confusing. Your child may not understand which muscles are being used. Using a timer to let them sit for a moment can be an encourager to keep trying and begin to listen to their bodies.
- Perhaps they are okay with peeing on the toilet, but pooping is still too overwhelming. If they are able to do so, encourage them to dump their nappy into the toilet. Eventually you could build onto the logic that they could have been going into the toilet all along.
- Try a fun seat with a character or fun design.
There are these and so many more possibilities that will help you and your child accommodate sensory preferences and create the best routine for toileting. Any progress is good progress, don’t give up, and release the pressure on both you and them! For more toileting info and support, check out the Sensory super-parents mastery training