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Sensory Processing Issues Not Just a Kid Thing!

When we hear about Sensory Processing Issues (SPD), we often think of children. But adults struggle just as much don’t they - don’t you? Yes, it's true! Many of us navigate our daily routines by managing these unique sensory challenges. Let's talk about what that looks like and how it...

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Understanding and Managing Sensory Processing Issues in Adults

I'm here to share my insights based on my experience as a practicing occupational therapist for over 30 years. Our focus for today is sensory processing issues in adults.


Unraveling Sensory Processing Issues:

Sensory processing issues aren't just for children! Adults experience them too....

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Sensory Processing Disorder A Deeper Look

As an experienced Occupational therapist with over 30 years of experience, I am passionate about exploring and discussing various aspects of sensory processing issues (SPD). Sensory processing disorder is a neurological condition that affects how the brain processes sensory information from the...

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The Invisible Struggle Sensory Overload in the Workplace

As a seasoned occupational therapist and Author, I have devoted my career to bringing light to the unseen challenges many people face. Today, we will navigate the largely unexplored territory of sensory overload in the workplace.

Sensory Overload - A Silent Distraction

Sensory overload is a...

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What To Do If You Suspect Your Child Has Sensory Processing Disorder

Have you ever had this familiar scenario occur?

Your child behaves inappropriately in public or at school, and you're told by the teacher that your child is disruptive in class, a distraction to others or whose behaviour is becoming uncontrollable; that they have ‘sensory issues’ and...

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Early Intervention for Sensory Processing Disorder

The Importance of Early Intervention

Early intervention is essential for individuals with SPD, as it can significantly impact their ability to develop appropriate sensory processing skills and strategies. Early intervention often includes occupational therapy, which focuses on identifying an...

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The Difference Between Sensory Play and Ayres Sensory Integration Therapy

Ayres Sensory Integration therapy vs sensory play – what’s the difference?

Often these two terms are used mistakenly and in some confusion so hopefully this article will help clear up and explain how different they really are. 

People often assume that by using equipment intended...

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Saying ‘Sorry’

‘Sorry’ is probably one of the first words we teach our toddlers…but have we ever really stopped to consider what this word means, both to us and our children?  Is it helpful? What are they learning about relationships from this word? Is ‘sorry’ a helpful...

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What’s that smell? Using the olfactory sense in parenting children.

“Mum, why do you smell of Mark and Jenny?” demanded my 7-year-old as I stood, bleary eyed, just awake, outside his bedroom at 6.30am.  

“Eh? What?” 

“You smell of them Mum…why?”

I had sat and chatted with our friends the previous evening...

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Last week I was trying to help my 9-year-old son set up his xbox for a new game. He was frustrated, and wouldn’t accept my help – but neither could he fix the issue himself. That lunchtime I told him and his brother a story. It went like this: ‘Once upon a time the RNLI lifeboat...

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What is Sensory Integration?

Sensory Integration

Sensory integration is the organisation of sensations within the body for use. Our senses help us to understand the physical conditions of our body and the environment surrounding us. The sensations...

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One Parent’s Experience of Stress-Free Mealtimes

A scream of rage brings me running into the dining room.  Our youngest son has his cereal bowl on his head and his plate up in front of him like a shield, dinner knife in hand. Our oldest has his glass raised above his head, ready to throw. Both their faces are contorted with rage and...

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